It’s the time of Halloween again. A time when people can dress up as scary monsters or ghost and go collect candy. It’s a very fun time of the year for me because for one you get all the free candy you want and it’s a time where you can go out and get scared and I like getting scared. Also on Halloween I like to go to haunted houses with people because it’s not scary when you’re with other people and you can enjoy it better.
This Halloween I’m still not sure what I am doing yet but I’ll probably find out tonight. Two classic Halloween movies that I enjoy watching is Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street. I also like seeing all the houses decorated with Halloween decorations and seeing it at night all lit up. Another funny thing is seeing all the little kids getting scared running around as they come out of a haunted house. Their faces all filled with tears because of being so scared is not I’m going to say funny but is just another way it puts the mood into Halloween.
One thing almost every kid likes doing is going out on devils night and vandalizing people’s property. Even though I don’t do it, it seems a lot of fun because it’s like you have a big sense of adrenalin pumping through your body and you just want to get out there and do something. It ranges in a variety of stuff like kids could TP peoples house or egg them or anything like that many kids enjoy doing all this stuff.
The only bad thing about Halloween is about all that candy kids eat after they get it. All the kids just eat and eat the candy and then they get cavities and that’s when the dentist love it because they have more and more people that come in and have cavities. Halloween is a very fun holiday for many people and everybody likes it because it’s just a fun holiday for us kids where we can go out and just have loads of fun. Either it’s with family or friends you still have fun either way. One thing I know for sure is that I’m at least going to one haunted house that is right by my house and is actually quite scary for a homemade haunted house. I am going to enjoy it.
I don't agree with tee peeing. It is bad. Otherwise very interseting.
ReplyDeleteI like your reasoning on why you feel Halloween is so fun ;) Like all the free candy.
ReplyDeleteWell i completly agree with you about how kids shouldnt eat so much candy on halloween. Not. They should be able to eat all the want for just one night of fun!
ReplyDeleteyeah i agree with mike dont do it but i love having the free candy but this halloween i was stuck with the swine.