My favorite subject in science to talk about is apace. In my eyes I think space is a very fun subject to learn and you can learn a lot of interesting new things about it. The reason I like space so much is because I am pretty good at it and its fun learning about the new planets and how we are sending many rovers out to different planets to learn more about them. It would be pretty fun being an astronomer because you get to study and learn new and interesting things about space and the interesting things that are out there.
One new thing that seems really exciting is how they found water on the moon. If there’s water and then moon then there can be some proof that there was once some life on the moon. It would be very exciting to find life on the other planets not just in our solar system but in the other galaxies there are in space. It would be very new and exciting if some day we can find life on some other planet or if we can actually get out of our galaxy and into another one because we have never even been out of our solar system so if we could get out of our galaxy it would be great news and it would make history.
The thing that I think is really cool is the rings around Saturn. Even though we can’t land anything on the rings of Saturn it would just look really cool seeing rings around a planet. Even though we will never be able to even land anything on Saturn, I think it would be really cool to get out there and see it but the bad things is, it would be way too far and long to go all the way out to Saturn.
If I could live on one planet in our solar system I would pick Venus because it’s always warm there. Even though we can’t really go to Venus because of the dangerous gases and because it way to hot, I would still like to be there if we were able to live on it.
In the long run I hope we are able to land any rovers on a planet that we have never landed on because we, landing a rover on another planet will be history and because it would be very exciting.
I didn't know you had such a passion for space. Good to know!