The news conflict I’m writing about is the case of swine flu. I feel like this disease is over rated. So many people are making a big deal about this swine flu disease but honestly in my opinion I think the regular flu is worse. The reason the swine flu seems so much worse than the regular flu is because we’ve never had a vaccine or medications for it so people can’t get cured right away so it just seems like that’s it’s a lot worse. The normal flu just seems a lot worse than swine flu anyways because the swine flu is what a high fever?
I have a connection to this because I know someone who had swine flu and they looked absolutely fine to me. They were still joking around and they told me they felt fine. The only thing the person had was just a high fever and from that the doctor said this person had swine flu. In my honest opinion to this subject I think people are freaking out over something that’s actually not that big of a deal. When this subject first came at hand I thought oh my god if someone gets this they’re dead. After awhile though when they started talking more about it and when someone I knew got it I realized it’s not very that deadly. Ever since this flu has started many people have been worried about getting the swine flu so some people wouldn’t even send their kids to school because they didn’t want them getting exposed to the other kids because they didn’t want their own kids catching the disease.
Even though they are coming out with the new swine flu shot people are still having reactions to the shot. Since the vaccine is so new they haven’t gone back and revised the shot so it gives people the weird reactions. Just the regular flu shot has been dealt with a lot now and the doctors know what reactions it gives to people and how it will harm them so they know it a lot better then they know the swine flu shot. Right now only 14 states have the swine flu vaccine shot. Some people receive the antidote in a nasal spray. Soon almost all states will receive this vaccine to start preventing the source of swine flu. So People will now actually start getting their cure for this disease or at least prevent it.
Zaid: Swine Flu can be just as bad as the normal Flu. People who have been perfectly healthy before they got swine flu, and they still died. My mom's coworker's son died at 22, about a month ago, because of swine flu.